Thursday, 30 May 2019


Here are just a few examples of hate speeches in which Muslims always recite the Quran to mock, insult, and provoke non-Muslims for rejecting the Islamic faith.

Eat like beasts 47:12

Are apes 7:166, 5:60, 2:65

Are pigs 5:60

Are asses 74:50

The vilest of animals in Allah's sight 8:55

Losers 2:27, 2:121, 3:85

Have a disease in their hearts 2:10, 5:52, 24:50 

Are hard-hearted 39:22, 57:16

Impure of Hearts 5:41

Are deaf 2:171, 6:25

Are blind 2:171, 6:25

Are dumb 2:171, 6:35, 11:29

Are niggardly 4:37, 70:21

Works shall be rendered ineffective 2:217, 47:1, 47:8

Are impure 8:37

Are scum 13:17

Are inordinate 5:68, 78:22

Are transgressors 2:26, 9:8, 46:20

Are unjust 29:49

Make mischief 16:88

Are the worst of men 98:6

Are in a state of confusion 50:5

Are the lowest of the low 95:5

Focus only on outward appearance 19:73-74

Are guilty 30:12, 77:46

Sinful liars 45:7

Follow falsehood 47:3

Deeds are like the mirage in a desert 24:39

Allah does not love them 3:32, 22:38

Allah forsakes them 32:14, 45:34

Allah brought down destruction upon them 47:10

Allah has cursed them 2:88, 48:6

Allah despises them 17:18

Allah abases them 22:18

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