Friday, 8 November 2019


In Quran 112:1

 قُلْ هُوَ اللَّهُ أَحَدٌ

Qul huwa Allahu ahad

Say: He is Allah, the One!

==> The correct translation is;  ==> Say: He is Allah, One of <==

Let's look deeper at "Ahad - أَحَدٌ

Using Arabic root: ا ح د (From Arabic word "أَحَد")
One (Of)
أَحَد، ج آحَاد، المؤنث: إحْدى

One (Of)
In some dialects أحد and واحد are used in the same manner. 
[pronunciation: ʼaḥad]


لا أحد من...not one of/none of
‏في إحدى الرسائل ‎in one letter
‏أَحَدُهُم ‎one of them
‏في أحد الشوارع ‎on one of the streets
‏لا أحد يحب ‎no one likes
‏هل يعرف أحدكم ‎does one of you know
‏كل أحد سألني ‎everyone asked me
‏أَحَدُهُما ‎one of (the two of) them
‏أَحَد المُعَلِّمينَ  one of the teachers
‏إحْدى البَناتِ ‎ one of the girls
‏أَحَد أَعْضاءِ المَجْلِسِ  a member of the council
‏آحاد الأُلُوف ‎[CA] a few thousand; (i.e. between 2000 and 9000, as opposed to عشرات الأُلُوف , tens of thousands, and مِئات الأُلُوف , hundreds of thousands;

unity, oneness, to make into one, unite, unify etc..etc..

Instead of Allah using singularity, he uses plurality ("We") in the Quran.

Now the question is; "One of" ==> what?

Thursday, 7 November 2019